Interseeding on behalf of the community and planet for a more sustainable future by equipping the next generation with the tools needed to grow healthy and sustainable food.

Teaching sustainable agriculture through hands-on, experiential and formalized educational experiences.

Producing quality, accessible and sustainably grown food options for the community.

Empowering and equipping people, schools and communities with the skill sets, knowledge, and experiences needed to successfully grow their own food for themselves and in the market place.

We're passionate about sustainability and are committed to farming methods that benefit the earth and
its people.

Creating spaces for activities and experiences where people gather, share, and connect with one another.
We offer three service levels that can be used separately or together.

Back yard gardens, school gardens, community gardens, urban and rural farms.
Determining garden/farm scope, scale and purposes
Site planning and layout
Material sourcing /construction costs
Crop planning
Educational material or curriculum development
Farm / garden financial projections
Business development and sale channels
Food and safety recommendations for pre and post-harvesting, creating garden/farm food safety manual

Design + Construction
We can install and build your garden/farm site (material sourcing and coordination).
We can build and install existing farm or garden plans and/or build and install plans that we design.

Management Services
We can plan, manage, and run educational gardens and farm sites. This could include A-Z management and/or some part of supplemental management services. Garden services could include:
Educational development
and teaching -
Volunteer management
Crop planning
Seedling starting
Harvesting, washing
and packaging